Many are using inhalants and think that nothing bad will happen; however, there are inhalant dangers that can cause serious health problems and some of these inhalants can be found in your home and are not bought with a prescription. There are objects in your home that many inhale every day such as model airplane glue, polish, aerosols or paint thinner. If you get too close to any of these ingredients, you may feel dizzy. Children or adults who breathe in too much of these ingredients can become ill or worse. These products, if inhaled too often or for long periods, can make one feel intoxicated or high.
Damage to Your Central Nervous System
If a person continues to inhale these products, serious damage can occur to the bodys central nervous system and for some, it can cause death.
Signs and Symptoms of Abuse
There are signs and symptoms of a person who is abusing inhalants such as: constantly sniffing, slurring their speech, having a runny nose or red eyes, feeling constantly dizzy, or having paint marks or unusual stains on their face. If one has children and some of these inhalant products in their home, it is important to look for signs of abuse. If you think that a family member or friend is abusing an inhalant, talk with your doctor or consult a drug rehab professional as soon as possible.
Preventing Inhalant Dangers
To prevent you or anyone in your family from inhalant dangers be sure to read the labels on inhalant products you have in your home or garage. If you see poisonous or flammable substances marked on the product, be aware that they could present a problem. If you have children in your home teach them the danger of inhaling and that in some cases, it can cause death. Talk to them about the terrible symptoms that can occur by inhaling such as vomiting, nausea, losing control of your body or having slurred speech. Most importantly, keep all household inhalants out of reach from small children. Inhalant dangers often occur with teens and younger children.
Safely Use Chemicals
It is also important to remember to always use safety when using chemicals. When using inhalants in your home, be sure to sure to use a mask, gloves and other clothing so that your body is protected from substances that could be inhaled such as spray paint or floor treatments. Also, with any kind of craft project that requires glue or a xomeone using nail polish, they need to know the dangers and what can happen if they breathe in the fumes. Inhalant dangers can occur suddenly; and when they do, seek medical help, soon!
Clearly, there are dangers with inhalants and the more you know about them and their potential harmful affects to the body, the more you will know what to do should this health concern come your way. For more information on inhalant dangers, Contact Addiction Recovery Network Today.