Withdrawal is an uncomfortable physical or mental change that happens when the body it is deprived of the alcohol or drugs it is accustomed to getting. Withdrawal symptoms can be moderate to severe, or even in some cases, life threatening. The severity of ones detoxification withdrawal symptoms depend on a multitude of variables for the addict. Depending on the kind of drugs used and the length of time abused and of course how much and how often they use it determines what state of withdrawal a suffering addict will enter into.
Signs of Withdrawal
There are many signs of withdrawal that affect addicts of certain drug and alcohol addictions. Alcohol is a drug. It is primarily the most abused drug there is. Being as it is legally obtained in our society by those who are old enough to obtain it, it is harder to keep the excessive use of alcohol to a minimum. Each year there are a large number of crimes committed in this country, mostly traffic-related, due to excessive alcohol consumption. It is probably the most difficult of all drug addictions to overcome. Prolonged use affects the bodys ability to function without it. Even worse, those who suffer from alcoholism face a huge amount of other related health problems because of their years of drinking.
Withdrawal Symptoms for an Alcoholic
Primarily, withdrawal symptoms consist of what are called delirium tremors or DTs for the alcoholic. These DTs bring on the shakes, nervousness, loss of appetite, pale appearance and uncontrollable mood swings. An alcoholic can also go into shock, have a panic attack, hallucinate, or possibly have a seizure as a result of not having any alcohol to sustain them. For this reason it is imperative for those wishing to stop using alcohol to seek treatment in an accredited treatment facility, as they would need to be monitored closely during their recovery process.
Common Withdrawal Symptoms
Other common withdrawal symptoms many addicts suffer from consist of loss of appetite resulting in weight loss, paranoia, preoccupation, anger, violent outbursts and often depression. Those addicted to most street drugs (heroin, cocaine, meth) go through long periods of time while using when they either forget to eat or just dont want to. Many addicts are also alcoholics as well. Most are so caught up in the usage of their drug of choice that they dont know they are using too much too often. Sadly, this often results in overdose.
Heavy drug users are in danger of overdose more often than they actually think they are. Withdrawal symptoms that indicate possible overdose affect the brain and leave the user in danger of heart attack or stroke very easily. Frequent use of certain drugs interrupt the brains normal mental functions. The brain becomes confused and therefore there is a significant interference of sensory perception. The addicted party can no longer distinguish right from wrong, good from bad, or normal from abnormal erratic behavior.
The Most Costly Withdrawal Symptoms
The preoccupied and commonly desperate addict will suffer the most costly kinds of withdrawal symptoms. They frequently search out their specific drug of choice by any means necessary. They will go to any length to obtain their drug and put an end to their withdrawal symptoms. Drug abuse can make a chronic drug user do the unthinkable like lie, cheat, steal, or perform acts that are uncharacteristic to them. Fraudulent acts like writing bad checks are often a desperate attempt for an addict going through withdrawal symptoms to get money for their drugs. Additionally, many violent crimes are committed everyday by chronic drug users in America.