The teenage years are extremely difficult for both patents and children. There are many temptations out in the world and our children may fall victim to any one of them. The use of marijuana is especially troubling and it is vitally important for parents to learn and look for marijuana warning signs.
The First of the Marijuana Warning Signs is Behavioral Change
If you observe a sudden change in your childs behavior, be aware that this may be a marijuana warning sign. Sudden withdrawal from family and friends may indicate that your teen is abusing drugs. Is your teen exhibiting signs of hostility or depression. These are indications of trouble and are certainly marijuana warning signs.
Appearance and Behavior
Typical marijuana warning signs revolve around your teens appearance and behavior. Are they suddenly extremely careless about their appearance? Do they often seem silly for no obvious reason. Do they appear to be dizzy and are their eyes very bloodshot? Have you noticed an increased use of eye drops. Does their short time memory seem fuzzy? Do they seem to be craving and unusual amount of sweets?
If you are worried that your child may be using marijuana take special note of the friends they are hanging around with. If you suspect that your childs associates are using drugs then there is a strong possibility that your child is too.
Smell of Marijuana
When you enter your teens room and it smells weird, that is a sure sign of marijuana use. Your teens clothing may also take on the telltale odor of marijuana. Another strong and somewhat obvious sign is how your teen decorates his or her room. If you notice posters with a drug theme, you can almost bet on the fact that your teen is a marijuana user. Certainly if you find drug paraphernalia in the room such as a pipe, you just found all the proof you need of marijuana use. When you enter your teens room and you smell room fresheners, you can bet they are being used to mask the smell of marijuana.
No one wants to believe that their child has an involvement with drugs. Sometimes it seems easier to bury your head in the sand, but that tact only leads to more trouble. When your once well adjusted teen suddenly starts having trouble in school or even with the law, you have to face the fact that drugs may be involved.
Dont Procrastinate
Once you become familiar with marijuana warning signs you will be armed with an important tool in the growing incidence and struggle with teen drug abuse. If you spot any of these signs, be proactive. You have to be honest with yourself . If your once happy communicative teen is suddenly withdrawn, fatigued and disinterested in school, work or the social scene it is time to act. Procrastination wont work and it can be deadly. Act now!
Early intervention is key to stopping this destructive and dangerous behavior.