There are tell-tale signs for identifying heroin abuse if you know what to look for. Its not surprising that most heroin users, if asked about their drug use, will deny it. Heroin is illegal and the use of it carries a high social stigma. Always be careful not to jump to conclusions because many of the symptoms of heroin abuse may have other causes not related to drug use. However, having several of these symptoms should serve as at least a warning that heroin abuse may be involved:
Are They Spending a Long Time in the Bathroom?
Young people in particular are notorious for spending long periods of time in the bathroom, but the typical amount of time spent by a heroin user in the bathroom is often way beyond normal bounds. That is because they are probably taking the heroin in the bathroom, which requires time to compose themselves before coming out. Also despite all the time in the bathroom, the users personal appearance is often worse, not better.
Withdrawal Symptoms
When regular heroin users cant get the drug they go through withdrawal, which manifests itself by such symptoms as a runny nose, fever, chills and cramps. When such symptoms appear for no apparent reason on a regular basis then heroin withdrawal may be the cause.
Dietary and Sleep Changes
Heroin addicts do not have a great appetite, so unexpected weight loss is often a symptom. When they do eat they have a strong preference for anything sweet. Addicts also often have poor sleeping habits such as staying up very late. If these behaviors represent a significant change from prior eating or sleeping patterns, then heroin use may be involved.
Compulsive Lying
It is often observed that addiction is a disease of denial. Those who suffer from addiction seldom admit to themselves or anyone else the degree of their problem and will lie about it. It is often surprising the degree to which addicts will justify and rationalize their behavior with ridiculous excuses, explanations, and deceptions.
Heroin abuse requires certain tools and accessories. To discover them is one of the surest ways of identifying heroin abuse. Among the most common objects are packets containing a chalky brown powder (the heroin itself) a burnt or stained foil or coin and a candle. Of course the one most compelling discovery would be a hypodermic needle since heroin is often injected.
Ultimately only a doctor or other professional from a drug rehabilitation facility can be fully effective at identifying heroin abuse. So, if you are concerned that someone that you care about is an addict then get them as soon as possible to someone who is a professional at identifying heroin abuse.