Which Addiction is the Hardest to Beat?

No matter what type of addiction you’re struggling with, you’re going to endure your own obstacles which makes it hard to overcome. When you abuse any type of substance for an extended period of time, your body and mind become more dependent to the substance. The more your dependence grows, the harder it will be to overcome your addiction.

Multiple Addictions Harder to Treat

There isn’t one drug that is more difficult to overcome than another, but the longer a person uses means the harder it will be to recover. What makes addiction even harder to recover from is when a person is a multi-substance user. For example, it will be much more difficult to recover from addiction if you’re using heroin and meth rather than only using one or the other. The more substances that you’re dependent to means that your body will be craving the different effects that they each give.

What Happens in the Brain During Addiction?

When you become addicted to any substance, it is because the pleasure system in your brain has run unrestrained. Each time you take a drink or a drug, your body releases dopamine, but it should be moderated by the prefrontal cortex of your brain. The prefrontal cortex of an addict is abnormal, so it doesn’t properly shut off the flow of dopamine. This portion of the brain also helps people make logical decisions and know when they’re causing harm to themselves, which is why many addicts will use even when they know it can potentially be dangerous.

The Best Way to Overcome Your Addiction

By entering an inpatient treatment facility, you’ll gain the proper recovery tools to help you overcome your addiction. Whether you have been abusing alcohol, prescription medications, heroin, meth or cocaine, you’ll learn about your triggers and how to replace your old actions with new healthy ones. The most effective way to do this is through cognitive behavioral therapy.

This type of therapy helps the brain heal and creates new connections, which will result in you no longer using when your cravings are triggered. Many addicts turn to drugs or alcohol when they feel anxious, scared or angry, but through cognitive behavioral therapy you’ll discover that there are better ways to deal with these emotions that don’t involve mind-altering substances. This will be difficult at first, but over time your brain will begin to heal and these new actions will become second nature.